The REBORN DREAMS TV Series unfolds around the life of NATHAN Hayes, a tech-savvy college student whose innocent computer prank escalates into a thrilling quest to unravel a sinister plot endangering their small town. Assisted by a diverse group of college friends, including KAI, a surfer, with MacGyver-like mechanical genius; HANNAH, an Ethiopian-American fashion influencer; and RIYA, a math major and strategic gaming enthusiast with a goth/punk flair, the team is guided by JASON, a former Navy SEAL, and later joined by LEVI, a stoic cowboy born and raised in the rolling foothills northern Georgia, they must work together to stop an underworld criminal mastermind, YOSEF AKANDE from destroying the lives of residents in Athens, GA. 

New TV Series Promises to Shatter Stereotypes and Bring Brands to Life

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - ATLANTA, GEORGIA  — The Action Thriller titled, REBORN DREAMS, with heart-pounding drama and a splash of humor will challenge stereotypes and redefine expectations about the race of certain character roles. Entrepreneur John Kendale, founder of John K Films and creator of this new TV Series, plans to merge the development and placement of physical products into the show to create additional revenue streams for the company. “Times are changing fast and filmmakers must adapt or be left behind,” he says. The Show had a successful teaser launch on Facebook which achieved more than 8,000 Followers in a month. 

The teaser on Facebook has viewers wanting more, with comments like “Can’t wait!”, “Wish I could watch it now!” and “When does it premiere?” highlighting the public’s anticipation. The Show is being strategically positioned and possibly attracting interest from major studios such as Netflix and Amazon Prime. The show’s creator says, “When people hear about surfers, cowboys, and computer geeks, the last thing that comes to mind is that they’re black.” He goes on to say that he believes this TV Series will be a game changer for both actors and American society as a whole. 

The production has been in talks with representatives of a YouTube megastar with over 15 million followers, for a guest appearance which is likely to draw significant attention particularly among the 13-22 age demographic. The series will include a subtle emphasis on STEM education, and will showcase practical applications in real-world scenarios adding an educational, yet ‘cool’, layer to the entertainment. The Series Pilot is in development and slated for completion by the end of 2024. The Premiere is anticipated for early 2025.

Follow the REBORN DREAMS TV Series on Facebook: @TheRebornDreamsMovie

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